AIA Compensation & Benefits Survey Portal

Benchmark Report

Click each link below in turn to create your report:

1) Define SelectionsBack to Reporting
Positions available for this report are listed below in one or more job families.  (Click to expand a family listing, to collapse it.)

Select up to 10 positions for a single report by checking the boxes below.  One table is generated for each.  Positions grayed out* did not return sufficient cases, so tables will be included but results won't be shown if selected.  Click the position title if you wish to examine the job description.

Define your selections by clicking one or more checkboxes below. (Click on the category name to expand or collapse the listing.) Selections that are too narrowly defined may not return sufficient cases for tabulation; if that occurs, broaden your selection by checking more boxes and/or INCLUDE ALL.

  • If your firm provided data for multiple office locations, you can select one location at a time from the “Your Location” selection box.
  • Your selection from the “Region/State” selection box will show comparisons to your firm’s responses from that region or state.
  • Your selection from the “Firm Size” selection box will show comparisons to your firm’s responses from firms in size category you selected.
  • If you make a selection other than “INCLUDE ALL” from both the “Region/State” and “Firm Size” boxes, your selection will show you the results from that region and firm size category combined. (Note that some comparisons may be unavailable, due to relatively small sample sizes when multiple selections are made.)
Shown in the frame below are the results for your selections. If you wish, you can download these results as a PDF document or Excel workbook.

To generate a different report, revisit link 1) Define Selections above.

You do not have permission to view the results. To inquire about purchasing results, click on "Contact Us" at the bottom of this page.

You do not have permission to view the results.  To inquire about purchasing results, click on "Contact Us" at the bottom of this page.

©2023 Readex Salary Survey System