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Thank you for your interest in the 2024 Association of Legal Administrators Compensation and Benefits Survey.

If you would like to purchase ALA’s 2024 Compensation and Benefits Survey, please visit ALA’s website:

The annual ALA Compensation and Benefits Survey is the most comprehensive country-wide legal industry staff salary and benefits survey available. If more than one person in your location received an invitation to the survey, we only need one response per firm location, so please coordinate respectfully.

The survey is conducted entirely online on this secure website and managed by Readex Research, an independent survey research company. All responses are treated in strict confidence and reported only in aggregate — no single firm's answers are ever revealed or inferable.

In addition, you may save the survey at any point and return to finish it at your convenience.

Thank you in advance for your participation. Survey participants enjoy a discount on the purchase of the final reports.

Getting Started

Before you can participate, create an account by clicking here or click on "create an account now" in the sign-in box at the top right of this screen. If you have already created an account, log in with your username and password in the sign-in box.

Please submit your response by JULY 19 so your firm’s data can be included in the report. Thank you for your help!

©2024 Readex Salary Survey System